Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Japan Photos #2

So this is actually more a continuation of the first post, but i figured out a much quicker way to do this. Sooo...the adventure continues!

PS: click the photos to make them bigger

This was a bridge that connected us to the second hostel that we stayed in in Asakusa and the metro station in it. The bridge looked absolutely delightful so we decided to take some night photos.

This is Doug at one of the bars we went to during the first couple of nights.I honestly am not sure which one this is from but they were both pretty cool and had decent priced drinks.

Right around the corner from our first hostel was this place called DJ BAR STELLA that we decided to check out. FIRST off, in order to buy drinks you had to purchase tickets from a machine and then hand the ticket to the bartender. Pretty much whatever drink cost the same price, but you still had to order it. Anyway, the place was dead but they still had a DJ and this guy in the photo was a Japanese rapper who was freestyle rapping (in Japanese!!) for like 2.5 hours straight (tagteaming with another guy, but I didn't get a photo of him). It was surreal and very cool.

I saw this sign and thought it was awesome. Later I saw the same insignia on big trucks and figured it must be the Japanese version of UPS or something.

This was at this intersection at the Shibuya section of Tokyo, which is said to be one of the busiest intersections in the entire world.

This is me enjoying Tokyo immensely

The Tokyo Tower, which apparently very unabashedly and unshamefully completely ripped off the Eiffel Tower.

Some shots of us in the first hostel.

I believe these were taken at DJ BAR STELLA, which was our first official night our drinking in Japan.

I really must go to sleep now as I am jetlagged and haven't slept in almost 36 hours.


1 comment:

Corbett Vanoni said...

Keep 'em coming.
These are awesome.

I love surreal city life.
You've hit the motherload.

- Corbett